Monday 31 October 2011

History of advertising

  1. The first advert to be shown in the UK was an advert for S.R. Toothpaste on September 22, 1955 on the ITV network

2.The current record price for an advert shown on british television is £250,000 for a 30 second slot during the hit tv show of britains got talent.

3. British TV advertising is cheaper because as the United Kingdom has a much lower population (63 million) compared to the US (310 million). So if you adjusted the £250,000 figure into American terms, the population being 5 times bigger and the exchange rate, this figure would become $2million, much closer to the US Superbowl figure.

4. Digital TV recorders and sky+ and TiVo have an effect on the world of advertising because it allows users to skip these adverts meaning that they dont see it and that causes people to be less aware of a certain product which causes sales of that particular product to go down.

5. product placement is a form of advertising in which branded products and services are noticeable within a drama production with large audiences for example, chevrolet pay the massive hit movie transformers to have Chevrolet's cars to be shown in the movie and to be used in the actual movie.

6. On the 1st August 1965 advertising tobacco based products became illegal.

7. The most expensive advert ever was the advert from Guiness beer and it cost £10m

8. The cheapest advert ever was an advert by doritos and it only cost £6.50 to make.

9. Some of my favourite adverts that i personally like is the skoda yeti advert where they make a whole skoda out of cake. another one of my favourite adverts is the most expensive one by guiness where they make a massive domino effect using all sorts of diffeent things such a paint cans, cars, oil barrels etc.

1 comment:

  1. Great research well done Moshin. You have done well to write the answers in your own words. Next time to improve, add in even more pictures, and ensure that the font size and style in your blog is consistent and a good size so that it is easy to read.

