Tuesday 10 January 2012

My film idea-

my film is a horror movie and it is about a person who is killed by a drunk driver and he just drives away when she dies and doesnt care about what he has done because he is drunk and selfish. he is an alcoholic and does drugs and steals and is a very nasty person. the person he runs over is a little girl aged 5 named sarah and the mans name benjammin and he is a 45 year old man who has 3 kids that left him and so did his wife and he gets drunk everyday, he is a massive loser who gets the awakening of his life.

beginning: it starts of with the actual crash where benjamin is speeding through with a bottle in his hand not looking where he was going and then little sarah is in her bedroom on a windy day. she has the window open a bit and she is looking out that same window when a strong wind gushes the teddy out into the middle of the road. due to the young age she was, she ran out on to the road and in excitement grabbed onto the little teddy and held it tight and said "there you are!" not realising she was still on the road and roads are very dangerous, she kept holding on to the teddy when out of nowhere she is in shock and surprised at when beaming headlights and a roaring engine approaches her at 100mph and whisks her off her feet sending her flying in the air. the driver stops, it was benjamin, he gets out the car looks at the poor girl helpless on the floor and spits on her and drives on.

2nd beginning: the subtitle saying, a few days earlier. sarah is in the play ground playing with her friends and is enjoying hersel this part is a basic overview of the main character's lives and what happened before the crash the movie goes on introducing the characters and showing what happened until we have caught up to the part where the actual crash happens and the crash is shown. after benjamin spits on the little girl and leaves, the camera is still on her face, suddenly a ghostly pale ace pops out of her quickly and bombards the camera in ash and smoke and then the screen goes blank.

middle: the next morning, sarahs mother wakes up and gets the rubbish to throw outside, and as soon as she goes out, she is shocked with horror because she find sarah's body laying there helplessly and her face just goes blank. she runs her too her and just holds her tight.
she called the ambulance and the police and her family and she kept screaming out!
the funeral took place it was all dark and gloomy everyone was in pin drop silence as they buried the helpless soul.
a few weeks later, benjamin was up to his old ways, drinking, drugs, over-gambling, cheating, stealing and he didnt give a damn about the little girl he had run over and spit on. he started to experience some paranormal activity, and then one friday 13th he sees her in his sleep as a scary demon and she is getting his face taken apart from his head and eaten
the next day when he tries to go out, he is locked in his house and the little girl as a ghost, appears and frightens the man greatly, he is helpless and scared. she threatens him by telling him that if he does not run himself over, she will haunt him and watch him every second of every minute of every hour of every day for the rest of his hopeless life.

the next day, the man woke up in a shocking suspense and thought he just had a vivid dream, so he carried on with his life as per usual but he is terribly shaky and paranoid. he acts as if though someone or something is watching him

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