Tuesday 15 May 2012

On the This Is England poster, the main charcters are all stood up against the wall and they all look really rough and they look very unfashionable and ripped. they all look tattered and messy and they look like they do not give a damn of what they do and how they look and how they act. they look like they are wearing really old fashioned clothes and to confirm this, it states that the film was set in 1983. the tag line says 'a time to stand out from the crowd'  and this implies that these people are going to do something outrageous that is going to be unaccepted.
there body language shows us that they are standing close together which suggests that they are strong together and they are like a gang. they all look as if they are about to do something andthat relates back to the tag line. their facial expressions are3 very rude and they look like they got attitude and they look intimidating and rough and you wouldn't like to approach them. bceause of the way they look. the colours on the poster arent very bright and they look extremely dull which suggests that this film  is serious and isnt very happy. in the very background it looks like a block of flats and an estate and this is probably the place they live in.

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